Welcome to Florida is right! Look at what we came home to last Sunday!

Not really.
As the weeks have gone by we have become busier and busier with work.. sad, I know. Because of this, we have tried to spend all of our free time outdoors (when it's not raining anyways). The past couple weekends we spent our free time "fishing," better phrased "drinking beer while holding a fishing rod." Haven't caught a thing, but it's still great to be outdoors. Come to think of it, I have never seen anyone catch a fish where we have been fishing- I think I will try a new spot next time.
The little beach near us, really just a shoreline on Tampa Bay, is only a 5 or 10 minute drive and allows you drive right up to the waterline. That brings back fond memories of Texas beaches, where you dont have to haul all your crap 13 miles just to enjoy the beach! But I digress.. this little shoreline is known to the locals as the Hillbilly Beach because you can pretty well do as you please with no interference. The true beaches here are quite the opposite, no pets, no alcohol, no cars, no anything fun. They are pretty though.
I'm rambling... lets get to the pictures.
Right before I didn't catch anything.
Power Plant View... apparently we will be able to see Manatees here in the cooler months as they enjoy the warm waters coming out of the discharge pipes.
Looking out towards Tampa.
Rusty and Wife.
Wife, Rusty, and Bronco.
The crabs kept to themselves, luckily. We didn't want any.