Alright, it looks like we have a lot of catching up to do. We have totally been slacking in the blog posting area, and for that we apologize. Turns out, when we arent having to work all the time we get to leave the apartment a bit more and the computer stuff hits the back burner. It's kinda nice actually...
I will try to put up a few new posts here shortly to catch up for whats been going on. To begin, lets take a look at our newest adventure: fishing (not from the shore this time).
We made the decision to not purchase a small boat since our time here is limited. To counter balance that, we went ahead and bought ourselves some small pontoon floats. We considered kayaks, but having previously owned them back in Texas, we knew that storage would be an issue. After some research, we decided to go with these inflatable pontoons.
After a weekend on the water we are overall pleased with their performance. They are no boat, and heck, they aren't even as fast as kayaks; but they get the job done. In fact, they are considerable more stable than our last kayaks which makes you able to stay out on the water longer (with even more beverages of your choice).
Although we didn't exactly slam them, I did catch one flounder. Also, we both got to see a manatee come up for air. They are kinda ugly...
Very cool! Never heard of such a thing! Glad y'all can use it there, sounds totally practical!